
Showing posts from October, 2008


Really I need to be going to bed early tonight. I've got some reading to catch up on, and Paul's cold is catching up with me. My prayer was answered, however. I got through my week's jobs before it caught me. So I'm sucking on Cold-Eaze, hoping to minimize it. And finally, the real reason for my post: life . Here's a link to a brief (15 minute or so) speech delivered in Australia by abortion survivor Gianna Jesson . I challenge everyone who reads this to take a few minutes to watch. Actually I'm begging everyone to watch.

Two Reformation Day Links.

First of all, I would be remiss if I did not provide the link to Paul's Reformation Sunday message . Secondly, my friend Nahomi just posted her own excellent article . She does a great job of drawing connections to our times. Same subject matter, yet two very fresh treatments. I never tire of learning about the Protestant Reformation. I have a secret dream of teaching a church history series some day. (Well, I guess it's not a secret any more.)

"Then I saw thrones,...

...and seated on them were those to whom judgment was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the word of God , and who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life again, and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Rev. 20: 4 "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it ." Mark 8: 34b-35 May God grant those of us who name the name of Christ the grace not only to live, but to die in a manner that so glorifies Him.

Okay one more link

The Wall Street Journal is now stating what married folk have known for quite a while - "a happy wife makes for a happy life". Go ahead - take a peek - come on.


Thanks to Staci for the reminder that Ben Stein's movie Expelled is out on DVD, and also for this link - to an essay of his which I thoroughly enjoyed. It's just so rare, and so refreshing to hear anyone with any measure of fame be so clear-headed. Paul & I made a point of going to see it in the theater. We loved it. We laughed. We cried. Did I mention it's a documentary? It was worth the price of admission just to see the computer animation of the interior workings of a cell - breathtaking and awe-inspiring. Okay, 'nuf sed. Back to responsiblities.
I've got a lot to accomplish in the next couple of days, so I thought I'd try and fit in all the blogging I've been wanting to do tonight. Mostly I've been wanting to put up some pictures. Paul's been running about merrily with the camera, ever since his dad gave him a giant box of batteries. I've never been one to take a lot of pictures (having never gotten past the old days when photography was expensive every step of the way). I must say, however, that I'm really beginning to enjoy it. Here's our little house. If we walk 15 minutes in the right direction, we end up at the pool at One-Mile. Here's the man that's always making me smile. Here's upper Bidwell Park. Clearly at different times of year, Spring and Summer. Above, left is Bidwell Presbyterian Church. It's beautiful. It's the church Annie Bidwell attended, and still has a big portrait of her in the foyer. (At least they did before the renovation. I can't imagine anyone w...

For those of us who work,

and we all do (whether or not we collect a paycheck) this is a great, clear-headed, practical article on "vocation", from a Christian perspective. (Gina, you may find this helpful, so don't skip past it.)

Religious Affections, the Eleventh Sign

(In our reading group over at we are nearing the end of Jonathan Edwards’ work Religious Affections. This past week we read through the Eleventh Sign. Below are some excerpts along with a few of my thoughts.) This week’s reading was brief and rather straightforward. Like the previous chapters it was challenging. It was also quite comforting, because it spoke so clearly to that odd tension/hunger that is part and parcel of the Christian life. “Another great and very distinguishing difference between gracious affections and others is, that gracious affections, the higher they are raised, the more is a spiritual appetite and longing of soul after spiritual attainments, increased. On the contrary, false affections rest satisfied in themselves. “The more a true saint loves God with a gracious love, the more he desires to love him, and the more uneasy is he at his want of love to him; the more he hates sin, the more he desires to hate it, and laments that he has so much rema...

I've seen the future...

It's happening right now in Europe. If we don't fight to defend the sanctity of life, this is what we have to look forward to: Embedded video from CNN Video

Out of the blue, Elihu

Ever wonder what to make of Job's fourth friend - the one who spoke up last. Ever notice he was not rebuked along with the rest, either by Job, or by God? Well, John Piper has begun a series on the book of Job, and as usual manages to ask and answer one of those nagging little questions - "what do we do with Elihu?".

Religious Affections - the Ninth & Tenth Signs

(In our reading group over at we are nearing the end of Jonathan Edwards’ work Religious Affections. This past week we read through the Ninth and Tenth Signs. Below are some excerpts along with a few of my thoughts.) As we near the end of this reading, and the two months or so of reflection and prayer it has provoked, I feel ready to say with some certainty that I will never be quite the same. I certainly hope I never am. Few books have had the profound effect on my heart as this one has. You see, this book is useful not merely for evaluating whether or not you are, or any one else is, among those who are being saved – though it provides assistance in that regard, as well as great assistance in understanding the phenomena of hypocrisy and apostasy. Even more valuably, it gives tools for evaluating ongoing, day-to-day, religious affections. Even solid Christians experience ungodly affections, or just plain natural affections, which they may confuse with the working...

Religious Affections - Signs Seven and Eight

(The following is the next installment in my ongoing participation in Reading the Classics Together at . We are currently reading Jonathan Edward's work Religious Affections.) Truly, one of the clearest signs of conversion is "a new creature". Not to question the goodness and perfection of God in His providence, but if I'd encountered a single pastor, or lay-Christian, during the course of my 40 years of pre-Christian "life"who'd read this book, and read to me the words below (from the Seventh Sign), I may have been spared many years of hypocrisy: "Another thing, wherein gracious affections are distinguished from others, is, that they are attended with a change of nature....'tis the power of a Creator only that can change the nature, or give a new nature.... "Therefore if there be no great and remarkable, abiding change in persons, that think they have experienced a work of conversion, vain are all their imaginati...

Edwards' Sixth Sign - Christian Humility

I was glad for the extra week to try to process this chapter. It was long, almost 30 thick, meaty pages. By about half-way through I was beginning to doubt my position in Christ, seeing my own pride described in every page. This is really an intensely realistic and practical look at the nature of true Christian humility, and at pride, and its deceitfulness in the human heart. This chapter holds a bright light and a mirror up to the soul. As I read further I was, thankfully, able to recognize signs of grace in my heart as well, and regained some assurance, and learned some things about spiritual pride, a legalistic spirit, and true humility I hope I never forget. I'm going to let Edwards do most of the talking here since I cannot improve upon him, I really dislike trying to condense his thought, but wouldn't dare post the whole chapter here. My hope is that the sample below get his very important point across, and hopefully will convince any and all to read this great classic fo...