In which the mask comes off
In case anyone's wondering where I've been - I've been very discouraged and emotionally drained lately. The last few months have been difficult. I've been working hard. I've been reading and trying to understand C.S. Lewis - his simple faith and his incredible joy (and the inexplicable extremes of love & hate he seems to provoke in folks). I've been troubled by the state of our nation, on many levels. Many positive things are happening (which, as a Republican and a Christian I'm not supposed to acknowledge). And some pretty terrible things are happening (which, if I'm to look like a good Christian, I'm supposed to get indignantly outraged about.) I've been troubled by the way the Church by and large is addressing the great moral issues of our time - as if She herself was not made up of sinners struggling with their own moral issues. Troubled by how we look, to me and the onlooking world, like a bunch of miserable, judgemental, bickering, isol...