Monday Meanderings
Well, let me begin this Monday with some serious questions: Do you think this child should be alive? How about this one? Would you have told its mother it should not be allowed to live, that her life would be fuller without it? Would you approach her now and say children like hers should not be born? Well, few people would likely be that rude. But if they were truthful, that is the attitude in the heart of a very high percentage of people these days. How can I say a thing like that? Well, if our choices are truly indicative of what we really believe, then, judging by their choices, somewhere around 90% of adults of childbearing age believe such children should not be allowed to live. These babies have Down Syndrome. If you think eugenics died with the Third Reich, think again. It is alive and well in the hearts of anyone not willing to love and nurture those who are weaker, those with special needs. How is a world of people not willing to love and care for the delicate and f...