Drawing Lines
I came home from work the other day to a strange happening. The TV was on. My daughter, home for the summer from her teaching job in the Republic of Georgia, was watching it. Adding to the strangeness of the TV being on in the middle of the afternoon, was the fact that it was tuned not to PBS, or a movie on DVD, but to a network television program. It took a minute of me standing dumbly for this to sink in. And then there was this: Tyra Banks who, as I recall, used to be a Victoria's Secret model, now has a talk show - like Oprah, except not. It has that sort of "Listen up girlfriend" tone, but without the mellowing that age and experience can bring. It only took about 20 minutes of second-hand exposure to get the strong impression that original talk show topics have become as rare as original Cosmo and Parents' Magazine topics. Anyway, Tyra looks as gorgeous as ever and keeps a good chat going. That day's topic was something like: "Extreme Fake...