Jesus Never Changes
We bore easily. I’d blame it on modern technologies but Israel of old seemed to have the same problem. They witnessed the Egyptian plagues. They walked through the parted Red Sea. They lived day and night with the fiery pillar of the presence of almighty God. They received miraculous food six days a week. And they grew bored. Their daily bread grew commonplace, and they complained, “we loathe this worthless food” (Num. 21.5). “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Heb. 13:5 He never changes, nor does His word. We, too, can begin to lose sight of the wonder of it all. His un-changing word seems ho-hum. We crave more. The shift in our thinking can be subtle. Here are a few signs of boredom to look for. I admit to having done them all. We don’t read the Bible, or we read it very little. We would rather spend an hour reading or watching things about the Bible than reading the Bible itself. When we read books about the Bible we rac...