Living Free
Years ago, when she was a student at Chico State, my daughter came over for a visit. With her head in the refrigerator, she remarked: "Nothing ruins a good book like having to read it for a class!" In one breath she captured the human condition. Reading a good book is a joy. So why does being required to read it kill the joy? The answer lies at the heart of what it is to be a sinner. “I was once alive apart from the law,” wrote the Apostle Paul, “but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died” (Rom. 7:9-11). When a commandment appears, up pops the defiant head of rebellion, ready to poison our best pleasures. In the flesh, autonomy is king. We think of ourselves as free, yet we are dominated by our worldly desires, our physical urges, and our unrestrained personalities. We resent doing what we’ve been told we should or must do, even when we would happily have done it on our own. So we resist, or, when the fear of consequences outweighs the benefits, we submi...