Personality or Person?

When I was a new Christian, many moons ago, I was unemployed and looking for work. One of the jobs I applied for during that time was a secretarial position at a church. Before they would interview me, however, I was required to take a personality test. I found the questions difficult. I was not who I once was. I was a new creature in Christ. How do I behave at parties? I had never been to one as a Christian. All I knew was that I wouldn’t behave as I had before. I answered as best I could. But I wondered if any of my answers rightly reflected the person I was becoming—the person Christ was transforming me to be? Did these Christian employers even care? I didn’t know, nor was I asked. I didn’t get the job. Here in America, personality is king. But have you ever noticed that the Bible says next to nothing about it? Solomon was wise, but was he a sparkling wit? David was a man after God’s own heart, but was he the life of the party? Job suffered intensely, but was he a depressive persona...