A few more pics
I've been gradually accumulating photos from my husband's blog and saving them to my computer. Here're a few recent ones I thought were fun. The ones in the living room really hightlight the horrible wallpaper that came with the house. We didn't know it was there when we bought it because the tenants who lived here when we viewed the house had stuff piled from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. It was pretty clear that they were hoping to keep the house from getting sold. So, when we took possession we were shocked to find that dizzying eighties southwestern zigzag. Paul, who is by no means picky about such things, vowed that stuff would be the first thing to go. I agreed. It'll be two years on April 1, since the day I moved in. It's still there. But we still plan to get to it, after I've painted the kitchen; after we've redone the floors in the spare bedroom and made a den of it.
The picture of me is Paul's new favorite. I like it,too. It's the first one I've liked since our wedding. That really cool coat finally fell apart later that day, so I'm glad I got a picture of it.