
Showing posts from February, 2009

Herod's Temple

My time is limited; but I wanted to share this before I forget about it forever. Thanks to White Stone for the link.

Where I've been.

You could say I came by my legalism honestly. I was raised to look down my nose at others, to think myself superior. As I began to be indoctrinated into religion, this tendency was fed and “sanctified”. Most of my early religious memories involve legalism in some form or another. One of the first involves my Lutheran confirmation classes, back in junior high. It’s a snapshot from a lesson on the Third Commandment: “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain…” My only recollection from that teaching was when they said that using words like “golly” and “gosh” and “gee” was also a form of this sin. I remember thinking at the time, “Oh, my gosh! Give me a break!” Though it was at this point that these classes became ridiculous to me, I never forgot the lesson I did learn: to be a “serious” Christian was to take the Law and expand it in every way imaginable. In my late teens I dove headfirst into an entirely different brand of “Christianity”. It was the highly charismatic Wo...

Just in case I suddenly disappear from the Internet,

I thought I should mention that my computer is terminal... Puns aside, it's seriously on its way out. Paul spoke with my dear father-in-law, the computer expert, this morning. We were informed that to pour any money into a machine that's still running WindowsME (yes, I said ME, as in Millenium Edition) would be foolish. Well, we didn't even have the money to fix it, and certainly not to replace it. I was just bemoaning that fact when Paul informed me I should check my book orders. I said, "I will, when I can get the page to open (grrrr). How'm I going to run an on-line business like this? (grrr)" He said, "Check your orders!" I finally did, and about choked. We had just sold a very rare book! So, in a few weeks I will be able to replace this old box with a newly refurbished one, and, Lord willing, have a bit left over for a few other expenses that have crept up on us. Oh, and I said all that to say that my computer in the meantime is, like a...

More Things I Can Do When I Don't Blog:

There are still some details awaiting completion, but the bulk of it is done! Before: (The "before" shots were taken on a bright,sunny day, so the lighting is much better than the ones I took yesterday under a hailstorm.)

A whole new world

My indentured servanthood to my current cell phone service, after four nightmarish years ends in a week. So I've sold myself to a different plan, the one my husband, kids, in-laws, and most of the folks closest to me have. This also means, I've got a new phone. It's green! My kids are no longer mocking me. In fact, Tony is green too, every time he looks at it. I got unlimited texting. My reasoning was this, I HATE talking on the phone (Oh, to anyone who's ever spoken to me on the phone and wondered why my personality has vanished - that's why). My kids LOVE to text. I LOVE to write. It has a full keypad and a camera. I can take pictures with it AND send hilarious text messages. I used to think my calling in life was to teach the Bible, but now I know it's really to send hilarious text messages. Ask my kids. They'll testify to my giftedness in this area. Oh, and speaking of a Whole New World. Watch this video - and don't quit part way, you...

Attention WalMart...

shoppers...haters... Here's an interesting undercover journalist's take on WalMart . It just may surprise you, especially coming from me!

A sign of the times

Paul posted this today and I just can't get over it. I've got to share it with someone.

Another Puritan Moment

Paul's latest Puritan cameo is Thomas Watson , a bit more famous than last week's. Enjoy!

Something solid to build your life on...

"God's love is based on nothing, and the fact that it is based on nothing makes us secure. Were it based on anything we do, and that "anything" were to collapse, then God's love would crumble as well. But with the God of Jesus no such thing can possibly happen. People who realize this can live freely and to the full. Remember Atlas, who carries the whole world? We have Christian Atlases who mistakenly carry the burden of trying to deserve God's love. Even the mere watching of this lifestyle is depressing. I'd like to say to Atlas: "Put that globe down and dance on it. That's why God made it." And to these weary Christian Atlases: "Lay down your load and build your life on God's love." We don't have to earn this love; neither do we have to support it. It is a free gift. Jesus calls out: "Come to Me, all you Atlases who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you." (From The Lion and the L...

What Darwin's grandson believed.

In a 1953 essay , he explains how his hope for the future of mankind lies in eugenics, but also wonders at the inexplicable hold the moral law has on him.