I thought I should mention that my computer is terminal... Puns aside, it's seriously on its way out. Paul spoke with my dear father-in-law, the computer expert, this morning. We were informed that to pour any money into a machine that's still running WindowsME (yes, I said ME, as in Millenium Edition) would be foolish. Well, we didn't even have the money to fix it, and certainly not to replace it. I was just bemoaning that fact when Paul informed me I should check my book orders. I said, "I will, when I can get the page to open (grrrr). How'm I going to run an on-line business like this? (grrr)" He said, "Check your orders!" I finally did, and about choked. We had just sold a very rare book! So, in a few weeks I will be able to replace this old box with a newly refurbished one, and, Lord willing, have a bit left over for a few other expenses that have crept up on us. Oh, and I said all that to say that my computer in the meantime is, like a...