What Darwin's grandson believed.

In a 1953 essay, he explains how his hope for the future of mankind lies in eugenics, but also wonders at the inexplicable hold the moral law has on him.


haithabu said…
I'm not getting anything on that link.
Laurie M. said…
Thanks for he heads up. I really should test drive these things! It's up and running now.
haithabu said…
By the way, could you tell me how to imbed a link in some text rather than showing the url itself? I haven't worked that out yet, though everyone else seems to be doing it.
Laurie M. said…
Yeah, it's one of the few tricks I know. Just right-click and copy the address of the specific article then go to your blogger posting window and highlight the words you want to hide the link in. Then go up to the tool bar. There's an icon there that looks like a green globe with a bow on it's head. Click that and it'll give you a place to paste in the url you just copied. It's like magic from there.

My big dream is that Blogger will come up with a simple shortcut to hide part of the entry behind a "continue reading". It's really easy on LiveJournal, but you have to first learn rocket science before you can do it on blogger.

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