The Wittenberg Nightingale

A month or so ago Paul and I borrowed a DVD of the opera Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg, by Wagner. In it there was a wonderful character, a cobbler named Hans Sachs. He was the baritone hero who got the singers guild to lighten up a bit and give some new blood with a different style a chance to join their number. Well, little did I know, Hans Sachs is a real historical figure! Imagine my surprise when I found him mentioned in Bainton's biography of Luther as "the shoemaker poet of Nurnberg". It would seem Luther, and the Gospel he brought to the common folk of Germany, meant the world to Hans Sachs. He dubbed Luther, "The Wittenberg Nightingale".
The Wittenberg Nightingale

Luther teaches that we all
Are involved in Adam's fall.
If man beholds himself within,
He feels the bite and curse of sin.
When dread, despair, and terror seize,
Contrite he falls upon his knees.
Then breaks for him the light of day
Then the gospel may have sway.
Then sees he Christ of God the Son,
Who for us all things has done.
The law fulfilled, the debt is paid,
Death overcome, the curse allayed,
Hell destroyed, the devil bound,
Grace for us with God has found.
Christ, the Lamb, removes all sin,
By faith alone in Christ we win.
What a beautiful message! What a clear understanding of it Luther brought to the common people!


WhiteStone said…
Thanks, Laurie, that was an interesting read! Thanks for sharing Sachs' poem! I might never have read it otherwise.
Anonymous said…
Knowing your appreciation for Martin Luther, I thought you might enjoy this cute little post over at JollyBlogger.

Everything you need to know about Martin Luther

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