Ever just feel crummy about yourself?

Well, I do, and apparently John Piper is no stranger to this helpless, pointless emotional state. Here's a really helpful little blog entry to help address this condition: http://www.desiringgod.org/Blog/1499_How_I_Approach_God_When_Feeling_Rotten/


Ancoti said…
"Feeling rotten is not the same as repentance."

No, but it is a start. I think when we have this feeling it is a sign of healthy self awareness. We know how broken we are, how sinful, how much in need of Jesus as our Savior.

It may not be repentance, a turning from the sin in our life, but it isn't the obliviousness and hopelessness we felt prior to coming to Him.
Laurie M. said…
Amen to everything you just said.
Andi said…
Laurie, thank you for sharing this! It is just what I needed!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for pointing that out, Laurie. I've found it true in my own experience that the main reason I feel a vague sense of unworthiness is because I have not been specific in confessing my sins. Generally, the first thing I have to confess is the pride and self-sufficiency behind my failure to confess all my other sins!
Anonymous said…
In a word? Yes. Can't wait to read the Piper article.

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