In the first place, I wish I could take credit for coming to that critical question on my own, but really it was a slow train coming, and on the caboose was a friend who during her own womanly journey snagged this obscure little bit of Scripture: "If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home." (1 Cor. 14: 35) I admittedly have no intention of diving into the minefield of context on this one. I've honestly seldom been able to notice these words through the din of those that surround it, but my friend drew them out for me and gave me a timeless, culture-spanning use for them. "I think one of the learn from our own husbands at home (in a good marriage) is because that's the one person who loves us most and is most willing to protect us." On came the lights. "Wives, submit to your own husbands , as to the Lord." (Eph. 5:22, all emphasis mine.) Now, let me put on the brakes for a moment, for the...
The law must be preached to breack the hard heart, and the gospel to heal the broken heart. Thank God for the pwoer of the gospel, the whole gospel, the One true Gospel, Jesus Chrsit.
The "90% law" quote is from John Wesley.
But here's a great message from Spurgeon on the uses of the law:
The Gospel is our only hope. When we realize we can't keep the rules perfectly, and sin = death; we're doomed. The Gospel is for the lost but you first need to know you're lost and a sinner with no hope.
Once you get to that point and receive the free gift of salvation, you can be free from the penalty of sin and have peace with God. Receiving the Holy Spirit and death to self-effort removes despair. I can't but He can in me and through me. To God be the glory!