May your heart worship

Thanks to my friend, Deb, at Counting My Blessings, for this one:

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding." Job 38: 4


Jeri said…
Good videos for a rainy Saturday in Alabam, thanks.
Laurie M. said…
It's a rainy Saturday here, too. Usually I don't care for the rain, but with allergy season being what it's been, I welcome it.
Debbie Petras said…
Laurie, my how this blessed me this morning! What a beautiful video and words. The beauty of His creation; how can I not believe in God?

It's amazing how timely it was for me to see this. I am reading a book called Crazy Love. I don't know if you've heard of it but it's written by Francis Chan, who is a pastor in Southern California. I'm only on the first chapter but he focuses on how awesome and great God is. He talks about the Creation and the beauty of all He created. So, this video went right along with that. Sometimes, I can get caught up in the details of my life and not notice things. I don't want to be that way. I want to see with my spiritual eyes and always have a joy and wonder as I see all that God made.

Have a wonderful Sunday, Laurie.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Laurie for the link. I just loved this video. We are studying the Case for the Creator, by Lee Stroebel in my dh's Bible Class. Blake is my inspiration when it comes to focusing on the beauty of all that God has made. My desire is to spend more time on what He has done and is doing, than on all of the other things out there that distract me. I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! Deb
Anonymous said…
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