Meditations "on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam"
Ever since I first laid eyes on this image several weeks ago, I don't think a day has gone by without me thinking of it at least once. The ways in which it has reached it's grip into my thoughts of God have been manifold. I think there is something in every person, when seeing ourselves in this perspective, which will cry out, "Then there can't be a God!" I hear that voice. It is the knee jerk utterance of one who can't imagine anything that big, let alone anything that big caring about anything that small. It is a truly human reaction - a response from human limitations. It shakes us and shows the inadequacy of the views of God which we hold. It presents to us at least two possibilities, both dreadful: 1) that there is no God, and no meaning in all our joys and anguish, or 2) that there is a God, one to Whom we are at least that small. Does your view of God take in all of this? Is your God that big? Are you that small? Think about it. ...