Charity and Its Fruits - update

Due to circumstances beyond my control (our book order did not go through on time), our study of Jonathan Edwards', Charity and Its Fruits will be postponed by one week. For those of you here in Chico, that means we will have our first meeting at 6:30 on Monday, October 19. For those of you reading along here, it means I will begin with an introductory post on that date, and the reading will begin at that time. Since I am on the west coast, and will be posting in the evening, unless you are in Hawaii, you should probably plan on finding my posts on Tuesday morning.


Lynn Cross said…
Oh how I wish I could read Charity with you. I have never read it, pick it up several times only to put it down again. Maybe..........Lynn
Christina said…
Yippiee! Aaron surprised me with the book so I'll be able to follow along, I really wanted to go to the study but thought it might be best if I just did it online. I told him I might even let him read the book, if he's lucky (but I get it first!!!). I'm sooo excited! I LOVED the Rare Jewel study so I am eager to begin this one. I'll be praying for you as you prepare, thank you so much for these studies!
Laurie M. said…
I'm looking forward to it, too, Chrissy. Join us in any whatever way you're most comfortable.

Lynn, we'll be going super slow, just a half-chapter a week, with a break during the holidays. It may be just the right pace.

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