Meditations "on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam"

Ever since I first laid eyes on this image several weeks ago, I don't think a day has gone by without me thinking of it at least once.  The ways in which it has reached it's grip into my thoughts of God have been manifold.

I think there is something in every person, when seeing ourselves in this perspective, which will cry out, "Then there can't be a God!"  I hear that voice.  It is the knee jerk utterance of one who can't imagine anything that big, let alone anything that big caring about anything that small.  It is a truly human reaction - a response from human limitations.  It shakes us and shows the inadequacy of the views of God which we hold. It presents to us at least two possibilities, both dreadful: 1) that there is no God, and no meaning in all our joys and anguish, or 2) that there is a God, one to Whom we are at least that small.

Does your view of God take in all of this?  Is your God that big?  Are you that small?

Think about it.

I've decided to commit myself to meditating on this and exploring all the implications which the reality of a God of that magnitude should have on my life and faith.  My goal is to post this series of contemplations here.  Perhaps you would like to meditate with me.


Ancoti said…
In my view He is even bigger, I am even smaller. At least that is how I should think. Thought provoking post. Thanks!
Kaysha said…
I love your blog! I would love for you to be a contributor on My Christian Wellness Network - please visit when you have the time

God Bless
Betsy Markman said…
One of the most helpful quotes I ever read on this subject came from a devotional called "Rylisms." I don't know who wrote's included in an electronic Bible program that I use. I know it's not J.C. Ryle, because much of the content is much too modern for that.

Anyway, here's what he said:
"If one views God only as being immense, then one is not likely to ever consider how much God loves them. Immensity makes God too big, too austere, too preoccupied with the universe to ever give serious thought to someone who is so comparatively insignificant.
But God is not immense - He is infinite. There is a marvelous difference. F.W. Boreham wrote of 'the essential difference between immensity and infinity. The former has limits,' he said, 'while the latter has none.' Because God is infinite, He is unlimited! He can fill the universe with His presence, and yet give full regard to the humblest of people."

Marvelous truth, isn't it?
Jeri said…
Why Laurie, I like your new look and I like your idea for a series! Looking forward to it, sister.That picture sure has the look of a lonely planet but looks can be deceiving!
Laurie M. said…
I pray God will give me grace to put to words the wonder of my soul when I consider these things.
Anonymous said…
Excellent meditation, Laurie, and timely for me since I just finished reading Packer's chapter on the majesty of God in "Knowing God" -- which is itself a brilliant and humbling and awe-inspiring meditation on the greatness of God.

Have a blessed week, Laurie!
WhiteStone said…
I sometimes think if I could only get across to my lady students the stupendous immensity/infiniteness of God, that this would surely impress upon them to come to Christ. And yet, Paul tell us that it is the Gospel that has the power to do that. And God's perfect will. Yet, I am intrigued by such things as this photo... yes, God is wonderfully, wonderfully more than our finite minds can comprehend. Like Isaiah, we fall down and cry, "Woe is me!" And worship.
Laurie M. said…
Judy, your comment, about creation not being enough to change the mind of the unbeliever will actually be at least part of the focus for my next meditation. It will not convince them but it is part of God's revelation, and it speaks eloquently to those who are His.

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